Yoga and mental health

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual can meet the demands of the mundane tasks of life as well as the more challenging ones without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Living in a fast-paced world with constant pressure can create stress on mental health. Conditions that affect the mind like mental disorders, addiction, etc. negatively impact the body. It is estimated that 6-7 % of the Indian population suffers from mental disorders. Given the sheer population size, this number roughly amounts to 9,90,51,024 people suffering. Further mental health is an integral part of health, not just a social issue. It is a right of every human being, which must be protected.

A healthy mental apparatus is important for personal growth, sustaining relationships, productivity and dealing with one’s environment. It can be improved with personal effort/Saadhana (Yoga Saadhana), with professional help or both. What can be done to improve mental health?

Maharshi Patanjali defines Yoga as "Yogaschittavruttinirodaha" in the second sutra of Samadhi Paada in his treatise on Yoga shastra. It means that Yoga is that which vanquishes (removes) the modifications (disturbances) of the mind. More about the types of modifications, their effects, and how to overcome them has been explored in that 2nd-century BCE text. The text is written as a formula for ease of remembrance. When expanded and understood in the correct sense of letter and spirit, it opens a plethora of resources for mental health.

By practicing Yoga in a prescribed way constantly for a longer duration, one can eventually gain control over the flow of thoughts and try to correct the modifications of the mind at a subconscious level. Yoga is more than any posture or breathing. It is a way of life that has to be adopted, practiced, and perfected. 


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