Will COVID end?

    We have seen a myriad of changes in this year, 2020. By this time, all of us have realised the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene. But there is a tendency of the people to slip back to the previous ways of behaviour. After a certain period of time, a persisting problem such as the pandemic is considered to be “OK” by the people to confront. The mind gets acclimatised that the problem is going to persist for a considerable long time and hence people feel that normal ways of behaviour and communication is necessary to have a healthy psychological life.

What is normal post COVID?

There is a general assumption that behaving in ways considered to be “Normal” will ward off the fear of the pandemic by creating a positive environment. That by telling ourselves “ All is well”, we are going to get rid of the pandemic. Business and institutions want to tell themselves that it is business as usual. But what is the ground reality? Suppose there is a single outbreak in an institution with an asymptomatic cycle, then there is no guarantee that the spread can be contained. The lock downs and seal downs have been successful to contain the spread, but they are not an end in itself. They are just a means to an end.

Changes in social communication post COVID    

While social communication has undergone a considerable change, the need of the hour is evolution in health. Even if we are successful in warding off the pandemic through vaccines, there is no guarantee that other virulent strains can’t affect us in similar ways. The earth is very vast with diverse species which can adapt to diverse environment. In no point of time in future can we tell that we are safe. What if another highly virulent strain which can transmit AIDS or CANCER gets created in nature or laboratory? What is the guarantee that countries do not resort to bio-war? There are so many questions without answers leading to uncertainty.

Post COVID scenario. Will it end?    

The answer is we don't know! What we can do is we can help ourselves by increasing our immunity through good dietary practices, daily yoga, dhyana and a spiritual way of staying happy. By doing these, we adopt a way of life where we start to develop a sense of empathy towards not only mankind, but also to the environment and other living creatures. This will create a sense of brotherhood and help us elevate our physical, social, intellectual and psychological self above the narrow minded facets of hatred, racism, casteism or communalism. 


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