
    Our body is a complex ecosystem which works in mysterious ways to keep us alive. So many functions are beautifully combined to perform a particular task. Damage to any one part leads to malfunction of the body and stress is one which has the capacity to cause serious damage.

    The body is made up of bone, flesh and blood. It has its own limitations. If forced over its limit and sustained for a long time, then stress happens. Regular relaxation of body and mind becomes crucial in this ever demanding world. The materialism has led us to ignore our human tenets of limitations and has made us to work like a machine. Stress over a long period of time has the potential to manifest itself into a disease.

    In this light we need to see what our media is doing. Constant TRP requirements and tight competition has made our media to target upon the consumers to affix them to their channel. They try to feed the customer with constant breaking news to satisfy the curious nature of the customer. But somewhere they are responsible to cause over stress among the customers by continuously projecting fear. Take the example of the pandemic. The news channel goes on giving news about the death, the number of affected cases and sometimes even false information. Those who watch them are constantly prone to negativity and fear. Constantly the information is imposed on the mind which causes continuous stress and finally lead to psychosomatic disorders.

    Further, once the stress is manifested on a psychological level, it is not difficult for it to migrate into the physical level. Stress affects the functioning of each and every part of the body. The cortisol hormone levels are directly related to stress. It adversely affects the immunity of the individual and leave him/her more prone to diseases. It becomes the responsibility of the media to not unnecessarily create hype over the news and also on the part of individual intellect to choose what he sees and cognises. Adopting a lifestyle with good diet, proper sleep and good exercises along with Yoga and Dhyana will help reduce the stress levels and help boost the balance of our immunity by reducing cortisol and increasing endorphins.


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