The Chinese moral degradation

The recent aggression of China towards India in border areas makes us wonder why the Chinese are trying to provoke India and what their real intensions are. The Chinese have been quite aggressive with its neighbours. Now with the 'One belt one road initiative'(OBOR) and 'The string of Pearls'(SOP), they want to capture the market for the future.

India and China have had some turbulent history in 1960's, and slowly it started stabilising with both sides realising the damages of the war and the benefits of peaceful friendly neighbourhood. Although with some border clashes, the relationship has been some what cordial. The Chinese economy has expanded humongously since then becoming a major manufacturing hub. In 21st century, China has become one of the big powers in Asia rivalling the United States in the west. China has even advanced technologically and most products today come with a tag of 'Made in China'. Initially, there were negative opinion about Chinese products. But China improved on its quality and changed the view of the world. The western manufacturers having their manufacturing base in China due to cheap labour costs and high profit motive were also a part of the growth of Chinese economy. Today the Chinese economy has grown to such an extent that extensive powerful projects such as OBOR and SOP are planned across many countries almost connecting more than half of the world together with infrastructure and trade.

The Chinese however lack a sense of friendship and morality. Everything in China is measured in terms of economical and territorial hegemony. The moral degradation is quite clearly visible with the recent attack during the peace talks killing 20 of our soldiers. Whenever there is external pressure on China, it tries to flex its muscles. The world is looking down upon China for the recent pandemic situation and somewhat holds it responsible. During this time of crises of the pandemic, China has brought up border issues by intrusion into the Indian territory. This strategy seems to be planned in order to gain more territorial ground in Ladakh region. But the timing is really worst. The pandemic has caused a tumbling fall to the global economy including China. During this time, if a border issue escalates into a war, then the consequences for both the countries would be disastrous. China has to realise that India, a nuclear nation, cannot be looked down upon in the Asian region as it is a growing super power. Since the independence, India's diplomatic, military and international influence around the world has multiplied and most nations hold India on high moral ground.

India has stood the test of the time many a times to bring about peace in the world. The quad was formed to check Chinese aggression and not to escalate tension. Issues like unnecessary aggression and undermining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a nation will not be beneficial to anyone. Moving further, the top leaders of both the countries need to come together and have serious talks. The informal summits held in Wuhan and Mamallapuram had been quite successful and more such diplomatic strategies have to be deployed to maintain peace and order in the region for the benefit of everyone. War is not the answer for humanity, for it shall destroy itself  and without morality, there is no meaning to peace.


  1. Compassion is the basis of morality

    1. Yes. China is so much into dominating others that it has lost its values over time.

  2. The Chinese however lack a sense of friendship and morality. Very much true


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