Artificial intelligence, real emotions and fake expressions: A deadly combination.

(Content by Aishwarya. Edited by me.)
    Technology and globalisation have led to a major progress in the world although not without demerits. Advances in the field of medicine, agriculture, industry, etc. can be attributed to the technological prowess. Artificial intelligence was believed to take the place of professionals like doctors, teachers, engineers, etc. Robotics, coding and such were being taught as main subjects in colleges. The world was set to take off into a technological revolution.

    After the pandemic broke out, life became unpredictable. Depression, Domestic Violence, Suicides, Frustration and in some cases death soared high among the so called "SUCCESSFUL POPULATION". Their emotional stability was tested to its upper threshold and this, questioned the norms of their lifestyle and values. Social network became the new norm of communication among family and friends. Social distancing and cleanliness norms became emphasised by governments around the world. The loopholes in the Indian education system left the children and adults vulnerable to overwhelming emotions which led to mental turbulence. Countries which were already protectionist went further deep into selfishness. World economy fell questioning the materialistic lifestyle as a whole.

    The present situation and the psyche of Indian population is of concern. School going children are aware of politics but not polity. Children of 13 years of age comment on political leaders, but lack awareness of fundamental rights and duties. Teenage kids who are not even aware of the existence of Civics text book and emotional intelligence talk about nepotism, border issues, isolation and depression. Adolescents lack emotions to be calm and composed during the crisis.  The educated youth of the country spend most of their time on games and social media instead of being employed and contributing to the growth of the economy. Value of a teacher is not realised and is being viewed from a colonial angle of payer-payee relationship ignoring the intricacies of Guru parampara. Though India is having the literacy rate of 70%, most of the people are unemployed. Artificial intelligence to save the lives of soldier, doctors, nurses and all the frontline workers have not yet been developed inspite of the push given to Make in India. 

    Smile, laughter and happiness have become common on social media. Vicarious life is lived by most and reality is experienced by a very few. Humans have been relying on animals to allay their fear and vent out their emotions as animals can't talk and judge them for who they are in this created chain of societal values. Untamed emotions and fake expressions have given rise to unhealthy competition for name and fame. This has made us desperate for emotions from artificial intelligence while shying away from real expressions of human intelligence. People have started smiling and becoming happy only for the sake of selfies and cameras.

    Fake expressions of real emotions might lead to instability of mind. Introducing subjects which cultures our body and mind like Yoga, Psychology and Meditation in our education system can bring in stability. Children must be taught the value of silence, calmness and clarity of thoughts which would be helpful for channelling their energies into right direction to take advantage of our demographic dividend which is still young. Rather than using artificial intelligence to destroy other living creatures and human race, we can have artificial intelligence and machine learning developed for combating catastrophes like virus, threats to farmers and crops etc. Technology has enabled people to do a great many things, but everything has its own limitations. Parents must realise these limitations and try to influence the younger generations positively as the learning first happens from home.


  1. Its very true in these days srirup.. social media and the emerging techs are curse to our society in one angle..

  2. apt for the day with relative illustration

  3. That's true,children are not aware of fundamental rights and duties.
    Parents role is of utmost importance in influencing younger generation.👍👏


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