Ideology and rigidity

    Ideology is a false conception of reality. It is a process where the brain hypnotises itself to see events/things from the angle which it wants to believe. Slowly ideology builds rigidity within a person and hides the truth.

    Absoluteness in this world is a myth. We all live in an imagined reality of what is right and what is wrong. Lets say that there was a parallel universe and life existed there. Would they believe in what we believe as right or wrong? Would they have a concept of god? Would they cherish the same life goals as us? Its all circumstantial. Circumstance decides the outcome. Lets say that we are taken back in time to a situation which we have already experienced in our past, would we make the same choice?

    We have to realise that the world is binary. There are opposites which maintain a subtle balance in the universe. We cannot understand light if we don't know dark. What is right or wrong is decided by that particular society for that particular time and space. Ideology is no different. It is a set of rules which over a period of time become belief and attaches itself emotionally to the individual. These beliefs become so strong that it gives us an impression that there is no other alternative. And since there is no other alternative, it must be right ! We start justifying the created ideology and start seeing everything from its lens. Are we true to our subconscious in this process?

    The more attachment to ideology, the more the rigidity of the mind. A rigid mind is not open enough to accept the reality. As rigidity establishes within ones character, the more the egoism. The more the egoism, we start thinking that the world revolves around us. This egoism breeds lesser degree of freedom in the mind leaving the mind redundant and non evolving. The whole universe is a dynamic place. There is nothing as absolute right or absolute wrong. Everything evolves and changes with time. Time becomes the master of any circumstance. Can we really be happy if we go against the law of universe and make ourselves rigid and stuck with a particular ideology?
