National interest and accountability

    A country is defined by a boundary which may consist of different cultures, religion or ethnicity but yet identify with the nation as a whole. Within its domain, national interest is what contributes to the unity, integrity and well being of a nation.

    National interest is a dynamic concept which changes with respect to time and space. For example, at the time of independence there was a severe shortage of food and famines were common. So the national interest of the day was food security. National interest need not be individual and isolated. It can be a group of interests to be achieved simultaneously.

    Today, national interest consists of a number of goals to be achieved keeping in view of recent trends in social, economical, political and technological developments. Handling the pandemic is one of the national interest. Then after the standoffs with China, along with handling the pandemic, protecting the border is also a national interest. Next because of the pandemic, if there is huge unemployment, then employability gets added to the list. Hence national interest cannot be fixed and needs to evolve with time.

    In todays multidimensional world, the scope of national interest has expanded adding new dimensions to it. Anything and everything that caters to the need and maximum benefit of maximum people constitute national interest. But in the name of national interest, usually the government exhibits a tendency to misuse the concept of national interest. Sheer political inclinations and the desire to remain in power drives governments to use national interest to curb fundamental rights. Even though there is article 32 in our constitution prescribing Constitutional remedies, the courts are for the well offs. The rich lobby with the government to frame policies for their favour.

    When it comes to national interest, the primary purpose is to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation and cater to the basic survival needs of its people. Accountability becomes the key to national interest. If the government is not accountable, how can they expect the people to be? Before advising someone a person has to follow it, then only the person has the moral authority to advice others. Why has the government not disclosed the amount collected in PMCARES fund ? What is it afraid of ? Why has the government which talks so much about accountability and transparency not transparent. Questioning the actions of the government is not anti national. Being patriotic means not having allegiance to a government or a political party, but to the nation. Governments and political parties will come and go, but the constant here is the nation. Hopefully moving forward, the government clears its name transparently by giving accountability and holding a high moral ground.


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