Vaccines for survival

    Technology has been in the forefront in human evolution. Vaccines and immunology have contributed a large part in increasing our life span. We were able to survive a series of deadly infections by bacteria and virus with a breakthrough in vaccines and drugs.

    The development of vaccine and the actual availability of vaccine to the patients usually takes time which maybe months or years. But in the situation of a pandemic where the virus is able to adapt itself beautifully to all kinds of environment, the more the delay, more the panic and more the death. Vaccines need to be developed, researched and tested in order to ensure their safety and efficacy. 

    Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) is the gold standard used to test the efficacy of the vaccine. RCT usually compares between a new drug and a previous drug or between two existing drugs. It usually has  samples consisting of similar groups so that the difference in the test is because of the vaccine only. It is at presently the most efficient way to test a drug or a vaccine.

    There is a dilemma whether the required procedures have to be followed or just test random drugs/vaccines. The pandemic has effected us in a lot of ways, psychology being one among them. There is a general tendency among the people to try out new drugs or vaccines carelessly hoping to find a quick fix to the problem. But we need to remember that human body is a complex ecosystem. There are multiple complex processes which are interlinked together in subtle ways and ignoring these might lead to disastrous consequences.

    The Drug Controller General Of India(DGCI) has recently approved Favipiravir(Fabiflu) manufactured by Glenmark and Dexamethasone(corticosteroid). Favipiravir was widely used in China and Russia to control the pandemic. Originally Favipiravir was used in Japan to treat Influenza and is known to cause embryo toxicity and side effects in pregnant women. Administering without properly researching the drug or vaccine may lead to further complications. It is at these times that we should maintain our mental and emotional stability and act rationally.


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