Perception of health

    The human body has evolved through millions of years with each organ differentiating itself and becoming specialised in function. Throughout the process of this evolution, the body has been successfully able to adopt and develop immunity against various intruders like the virus, bacteria and fungi. But yet even with such adaptations, we are not perfect and a new single strand of RNA can disrupt the whole human ecosystem!

    The mind is a very complex and most evolved part of a human. Complete understanding of how the mind works is still a mysterious question in todays world. The intimate connection between the physiological and psychological is indeed intriguing. The saying "What we think is what we become" is absolutely true. When the mind goes into a negative mode, everything we perceive will become negative. Even the closest of the people are seen with mistrust. An idle mind goes on forming thoughts one after the other trying to establish links with each and everything. Creative minds are the most vulnerable during the negative mode. The creativity is just used to create and perpetuate an infinite number of thoughts. These thoughts indeed have an impact on the body. Each thought is associated with an emotion. We don't usually think randomly. Our thoughts are shaped by the the way we perceive the world around us. Our perception is influenced by a myriad number of factors like the way of socialisation, culture, values, norms, taboo, peer groups, politics, education, etc. When there are so many factors affecting our perception, we still think that we think independently!

    Everything around us and inside us is being shaped continuously by our perception. But why does the mind have to go to negative mode? After-all any being wants to be happy. Who doesn't want to be happy? Even if you don't want to be happy, that is something which you want and that in-turn will give you happiness! So when every human strives to be happy at all times, why does the mind want to disturb the peace by going into the negative mode? Maybe it's because of the fear of not being in the same state. We all love inertia and usually don't like change. We are satisfied with the present level of happiness and will either maintain that or try to increase that happiness. So is negative mode a protection mechanism to stay in the same state? The power of negativity in the mind will affect a person in ways which are unpredictable. The negativity will first stomp the self confidence of a person. Then it slowly makes him a disbeliever of his own body. Even a simple fever will look life threatening. The insecurity of health in today's world is because of lack of confidence in the body's ability to fight the disease. This low self confidence develops over a period of time. For every single thing, we run to a doctor or take antibiotics or vitamin tablets. This leads to the antibiotic misuse and the development of super bugs which are multi drug resistant. Many of todays youth are addicted to shopping, makeup and the like in order to find constant happiness. They seldom realise that material happiness has a limitation that it is temporary and requires constant revival. They suddenly feel positive and revived when they purchase something! What if one day humans lose their inherent ability to stay happy from within from the Darwins evolution principle?

    A positive mode can do the reverse. A positive mindset can change lives. Positivity induces happiness within oneself and motivates the person to achieve goals by allowing the adaptation to change. When we start observing our thoughts, we would be surprised to see the amount of negativity it generates everyday. Simply by observing the thoughts or by allowing the thoughts to flow freely without giving it much heed will definitely make our life more simple and positive. This is a long process which establishes within oneself with practise and will definitely go a long way in changing our perception of health from just keeping the body vitals under control to controlling the mind  and keeping it contented and happy.


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