Changing geopolitics in West Asia

    West Asia has remained a bone of contention for quite a long time now. Conflicts in this region can have a global spillover if not contained. It becomes important for any country to have a global interest in peace for securing its own future.

    Afghanistan has a geo strategic location in West Asia and is an oil producing State. For India, Afghanistan acts as a crucial link to Central Asian Republics and to counterbalance the influence of Pakistan and China in the region. The recent US-Taliban deal has left out India as a stakeholder and mainly concentrates on the western interests. The US is desperate to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan which was deployed after the 9/11 attacks. The deployment of troops has been widely resented by the US public. The US has ignored the civilian government and has made an agreement with the Taliban to withdraw its troops provided that the Taliban does not allow the Afghan soil to be used for terrorism activities mainly against US and its western allies.

    India has played a huge part in the redevelopment of Afghanistan by investing in Zaranj-Delarum Highway and Afghanistan Parliament House. Since the overthrow of the Taliban and the establishment of an Afghan civilian government by the US in 2001, India has established diplomatic relations with Afghanistan. But now with US recognising Taliban as one of the legitimate political player in Afghanistan, India might face threats from Pakistan via Afghanistan. The Pakistan's ISI had close connections with the Taliban and had used Taliban to carry out a proxy war against India by using the Afghan soil to train its terror outfits.

    Taliban was known for its radical outlook and violence. But if India still continues to consider Taliban as a terror outfit and refuses to negotiate with it, then this might become a security problem for India in the long run as Pakistan might use this geo strategic depth to use Taliban against India. India needs to acknowledge the changing circumstances and accordingly secure its future from further threats from terror outfits. Also since the US is vacating Afghanistan, US prefers India to take its position rather than China. But accepting such a role comes with a huge responsibility on the exchequer and related consequences. Any decision taken must be planned according to meet the Indian sovereign interests to secure a peaceful future.


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