Can cognition be improved?

You might have heard about the word cognition from time to time in your circles. Ever really wondered what it is?

What is Cognition? 

Cognition is the process of THINKING which entails LANGUAGE, REMEMBERING, REASONING and INTELLIGENCE.

  • LANGUAGE is the process by which we will acquire information.
  • REMEMBERING is the process where we learn to store the acquired information.
  • REASONING is a process where we make logical conclusions about the stored information.
  • INTELLIGENCE is a process where we connect the gaps by adding creativity to the information.
In further stages of life cognition can include PERCEPTION, EVALUATION and JUDGEMENT.

When does cognition start?

It was believed widely that children develop the ability of cognition only when they start learning a language, but today it has been proved that right from birth, an infant starts cognising the world around it.

Can cognition be improved?

  • Yes, cognition can be improved.
  • Brain has a characteristic called neuroplasticity.
  • When we workout, our muscle mass increases. Similarly the brain mass will also increase when we use it.
  • Throughout one's lifetime as and when a person learns; the size of the brain can increase, its neural synaptic connections can increase and hence can lead to improved brain performance and better cognition.

How to improve cognition?

  • Several studies have shown that exercising can improve cognition. Staying physically active by doing Yoga or sports can be really beneficial to the brain.
  • Keeping the stress levels under control. Stress increases cortisol level in the body and prolonged stress damages the brain. Keeping emotional stability can go a long way in developing cognition.
  • Following a brain friendly diet which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and B vitamins can improve cognition. Foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, etc can improve brain health.
  • Sleep is very important for proper brain development. It helps in restoring the energy to the brain. Find your own sleep pattern which makes you fresh after waking up.
Its never too late to improve your cognition!


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