Can lifestyle affect health?

 A question lingering in the minds of many, "Can lifestyle affect health?"

Answer: Yes, IN A HUGE WAY.

What is lifestyle?

Lifestyle is literally the way in which a person lives right from waking up to sleeping back again including both. It includes all the activities that we do daily and how we do it. 

Eg: Waking up and sleeping times, food habits, exercise habits, etc.

What affects our lifestyle?

  • Money: This is one of the biggest factors that affect our lifestyle. It can even change a person's attitude! Usually as income increases, people tend more towards materialistic lifestyle. Simplicity becomes rare. Everything is easily available and hence value for other humans and generally the world decreases. Although there are a few exceptions to this, money plays a huge influence on a human's mind.
  • Culture: In quite a few cases culture also plays a huge role in influencing lifestyle. It can have both positive and negative effects. Eg: Fasting if done correctly by understanding the science behind it can improve our health. Blind careless fasting can deteriorate the health. 
  • Internal drive: To some extent, inherent will can influence lifestyle. This is especially true if the person has a strong will power. Eg: Having a will to get up early in the morning and exercise.
  • External influence: This factor plays a significant role especially in adolescence. Primary groups, peer groups, secondary groups all exert pressure on the individual to follow a certain type of lifestyle. Eg: Adolescents picking up smoking just so that they are not alienated from their friends who smoke.

How lifestyle affects our health?

  • Human body is sensitive and it responds to the change in internal as well as external environment.
  • When we create a habit, we change some internal as well as external factors.
  • These factors accumulate over a period of time, produces change in the body and the mind complex and usually has a multiplier effect i.e. it influences other aspects of life as well.

How to have a good lifestyle?

  • Timings: Having regular timings for waking up, exercise, sleep, food and leisure will adjust the body's circadian rhythm to a tune and will help in reducing the work load of the body.
  • Eating: Eating habits matter. Having a well balanced nutritional diet can go a long way in maintaining health.
  • Exercise: Physical exercises done in right amount can reduce physical stress, bring the needed physical fitness and well being to the body.
  • Regulating habits: Any habit that harms the physical body like drinking, smoking, drug abuse, etc must be avoided while good habits like the ones mentioned above should be adopted.
  • Thoughts: What you think matters. Think positive and observe and correct any negative cycle of thoughts occurring in the mind and keep the mind stress free.
  • Attitude: Expecting less and having gratitude for what we have can lead to mental well being.
  • Actions: The actions that we do will have an impact on our subconscious. Good deeds can bring about a positive outlook towards life by giving a boost to your self worth.

What is the use of having a healthy lifestyle?

  • It can help you live longer with a quality life away from health risks like type 2 diabetes, lifestyle induced cancer, early aging and its associated problems, etc.
  • It improves the status of the mind and will help us live happily as long as we live.



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